Intellectual Property
Abacus Semiconductor Corporation™ and the Abacus Semiconductor Corporation Logo as well as ASC-LSS™ (ASC Legacy Support System), ASC-AP™ (ASC Application Processor), ASC-DP™ (ASC Database Processor), ASC-MP™ (ASC Math Processor) and ASC-HRAM™ (ASC Hybrid RAM) as well as
- Universal High-Performance Interconnect/UHI™
- Latency-Reduced SerDes/LRS™
- Multi-Homed Memory Architecture/MHMA™
- Autonomous Memory Command Processor/AMCP™
- Memory-Internal TLB/MITLB™
- Hardware Assisted Virtualization/HAV™
- Contention-Reduced Switch Fabric/CRSF™
- Assured Firmware Integrity/AFI™
- Resilient Secure Boot/RSB™
- Protected Shadow ROM/PSR™
- Zero Thread MemCopy/ZTM™
- IPC Acceleration/IPCA™
- Interrupt Request Mitigation/IRM™
- Secure DMA/SDMA™
- I/O Pre-Processing/IOPP™
- Secure Data Transfer Offload/SDTO™
are trademarks or pending trademarks of Abacus Semiconductor Corporation and/or its affiliates.
Abacus Semiconductor Corporation has applied for a number of patents at the USPTO and the European Patent Office as well as other select international Patent Offices.
- We have submitted our first omnibus patent application for our beyond-von-Neumann and beyond-Harvard CPU architecture.